How Sound Therapy
Actually Works for You

Using Programmed Sound Frequencies to easily & naturally encourage relaxation & healing.

How Sound Works...

The physical experience of sound vibrations in VibroAcoustic Treatment has immediate beneficial effects both physically and psychologically via triggering the ‘Relaxation Response’, a mind/body response which naturally relieves stress – anxiety and improves overall health & wellness.

VibroAcoustic treatment serves to remove some of the obstacles that are preventing the body’s natural immune system resources from doing their job.

You’ve naturally experienced for yourself that sounds
have different effects on you
(depending of course on their loudness, frequency, tempo, quality and any associations you may have with a life experience, etc.).

Research-based and evaluated at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the Clinical Center, this is a non-drug, non-invasive holistic approach to pain, stress and anxiety management, which has demonstrated results of over 50% reduction ~ with no unwanted side effects.

Vibroacoustics is like a sound wave massage which naturally assists your body improve overall health & wellness by:

What the Science Reveals

How does it work so well?

VibroAcoustics unique protocol encourages and strengthens your body’s own natural mechanisms of recovery
works to restore equilibrium to those areas of your body’s systems that are
                                out of balance, through
                         the use of our programmed
                  sound wave frequencies.

Tuning your body, tuning your mind –
tuning you to the frequency for relax

Sound Healing Architecture

The foundation supporting sound used for healing, is the fact that everything on our planet, has a distinct electrical frequency that can be accurately measured. We make this measurement by counting of the number of occurrences of a repeating current flow per second. This unit is called Hertz (Hz).

Recently technology has advanced to the point where research has verifiably mapped these frequencies even in the human body. 

From a purely scientific point of view, the basic characteristics of sounds are – sound waves and sound particles. These Sound Waves are the base for a variety of forms of Sound Therapy.

Innovative Use of Sound Waves

Vibroacoustic Therapy, is just short of amazing. Mitchell Gaynor, M.D., a board certified medical oncologist, internist and hematologist, also Clinical Professor of Medicine at the Weill-Medical College of Cornell University explains, “If we accept that sound is vibration, and we know that vibration touches every part of our physical being, then we understand that sound is “heard” not only through our ears but through every cell in our body,” writes Gaynor, who reminds us that the human body is 90% water-the perfect medium for carrying sound.

Thousands of clinical research study hours have demonstrated highly statistically significant decreases in blood pressure, pulse rate, anxiety, tension, muscle spasticity, arousal states and dramatic increases in circulation, range of motion, relaxation and sense of well-being and provide other health benefits such as  control over pain.

The mechanism of action in VibroAcoustics is natural, subtle vibration of the human nervous system (using frequencies and resonance) through the use of our computer-generated programs to induce a ‘Frequency Following Response.’  Pure sine waves are used in the frequency range of 30 to 120 Hz.   Tactile transducers deliver, these gentle low frequency sine waves selected to resonate specific areas of your body.

A true sound massage.  After a VibroAcoustic (Sound Therapy) session, most people report a feeling of total relaxation, release of tension, improvement of overall function, balance and feeling of comfortable lightness. 

  • The more people use this technology the more they learn to recognize the state of relaxation and over time, become able to reach relaxation at will.  VibroAcoustics  is a great way for you to re-learn how to relax and develop relaxation as a daily habit!

What is the ‘Relaxation Response’?                              A holistic mental, physical and emotional state is characterized by lowered blood pressure decreased heart, breathing and metabolic rates and mind/body coherence.

Harvard professor Dr. Herbert Benson, the founder of the Mind/Body Medical Institute at Boston’s Deaconess Hospital, coined the term ‘Relaxation Response’. He found that it yields many long-term health benefits in addition to the immediate effects created during the experience.

This is a dynamic method to trigger natural healing mechanisms. 

This will not replace traditional medicine, but will now enhance it in many ways.  It has been used to naturally rehabilitate injured world class athletes, professional soccer players, skiers and others, as well as to prevent muscle disuse atrophy by NASA and by Russian cosmonauts. It is now found in drug rehabilitation treatment centers, senior care living, assisted living facilities, sports rehabilitation facilities, chiropractic clinics, music therapy centers, clinics that treat hypertension and blood circulation, mental health clinics, stress reduction clinics, Complementary and Alternative medical settings, hospitals etc. throughout the world.